Georgia Young Shooter Program

The Penny Denny Young Shooters Fund*

Hey kids!
How about getting involved in a Fun sport!!

Consider doing some Cowboy Action Shooting!

What is Cowboy Action Shooting? 
Take a look at this flyer!

Since the emphasis is having safe fun, it is a great sport for young shooters to join.

Slicks Sharp Shooter Olin Winchester
Slicks Sharp Shooter
Olin & Joe
SSS & Olin 2012
Slicks Sharp Shooter & Olin

A few years ago, Georgia Shooters set up a fund to help more young shooters to become involved in Cowboy Action Shooting.  Young Shooters may compete in two different "age categories"

  ·      Buckaroos & Buckarettes are 13 and under
  ·      Young Guns (boys & Girls) age 14 - 16

Each young shooter participating
will be given a Badge.

The Young Shooter Fund was originally created to help young Georgia shooters and their families to offset expenses incurred in getting to major shooting events such as State Champion, Regional, and World champion (End of Trail) matches.

We have expanded the mission to make it easier for young shooters and their families to participate in our sport.

The fund will now help parents to pay for ammo, monthly match fees and gas to get to those matches. Also holsters, shotgun belts and anything else deemed needed to get new young shooters into the game.

The goal is for young shooters and their families to have a good time shooting.

So far we have raised and distributed funds to numerous young shooters and their families. The result is 2 World Championships "Olin Winchester" and "Slicks Sharp Shooter" numerous buckles from EOT and several State and Regional Championships. Olin Winchester won the US Open this year. Slick's Sharp Shooter was the Top Gun Lady Overall at the 2012 Tennessee State Match and Top Lady Young Gun at the 2012 Southeast Regional.

Parents, Kids, Famlies, come on out.

Look at the clubs listed on this website to find the club nearest to you.
Call, ask any information you need and come on out!

Photo's of our Young Shooters


In addition to generous individual donations, we have solicited product for raffle from vendors like Mike Kirkpatrick "Kirkpatrick Leather" who donated a hand engraved, silver concho adorned double holster rig that brought $1700 two years ago. We put another $2000 into the fund at the 2012 Georgia State match, where yet again a donated Kirkpatrick holster, and a large chunk from Christian Mortician's friends, in selling his hat. The hat is lovingly displayed at the River Bend Gun Club.

Any person wishing to support Young Guns
may purchase a PATRON'S BADGE for $35.



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Updated 12/28/2013